Basic HTML Tags List With Examples | Tech Worthy Mind

HTML is used to design the skeleton of web pages, In this article, I am going to share with you a complete guide of HTML form basic to advance.

Basically, HTML is the base of any web page or the foundation of a webpage starting from the HTML, and CSS works as the beauty of web pages.

In the blog, I will try to cover all the important concepts in HTML.

Start to Learn HTML

Before we start learning HTML we need to know basic knowledge i.e Where we can write HTML code, how to execute HTML code.

We can write HTML code in any text editor or code editor like visual code studio, etc.

And next question is that where we can run HTML code so the answer is that we can run in any browser like chrome, firefox, etc.

Now we are ready to learn HTML so get started HTML.

complete HTML course
Tags In HTML

How to create an HTML file :

Before writing some code in HTML we have to save that file by creating that filename using the filename.html 

Note: Index.html is a special file name in HTML which is displayed when the website root address is typed

Overview of a basic HTML page

The basic structure of an HTML page is given below any HTML page start with HTML opening tag <HTML> and end with HTML close tag </HTML> 
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8"></meta>
    <meta content="IE=edge" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"></meta>
    <meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" name="viewport"></meta>
HTML coders play with tags because  HTML is based on the tags we can say tags are all about in HTML. So let's summarize the maximum tags one by one.

Tags in HTML

what are tags? so the answer is tags works as a container that stores the content of webpages and also the other HTML tags.

  • The Head portion of an HTML page contains the metadata, the title of the page, any linking of files, etc.
  • The body portion of an HTML page contains all the content, which is visible to the user on the webpage. Body tag defines the layout of the HTML page.
  • Head tag and Body tag are the subsets of HTML tag.
  • Some tags have no content, these are called empty tags
  • Most of the tags have opening and closing tags with content between the opening & closing tags.

The Comment In HTML

Comments in the programming and nonprogramming languages of computers help to understand the code portion. when we write a long code, the code appears in the jumbled form comment helps the coder to understand it.
<!--This is HTML comment-->

Case Sensitivity

HTML is case insensitive language. <H1> and <h1> treat as the same.

we can use uppercase and lowercase letters in tags and in properties of tags both are valid.

The Heading Tag

Generally, heading tags are used in HTML to create a heading. Its start from <H1> to <H6>. H1 is most important and H6 is least important.

<H1> This is H1 tag </H1>

<H2>This Is H2 tag</H2>

<H3>This is H3 Tag</H3>

<H4>This is H4 Tag</H4>

<H5>This is H5 tag</H5>

<H6>This is H6 tag</H6>

Note: We should not use heading tags to make text thick and bold. Paragraph tag used to make a paragraph in HTML

The Bold, italic, and underline tags

To make text highlight we can use bold, italic, and underline tags the example to each tag given below.
<b>This is bold tag</b>
<i>This is italic tag</i>
<u>This is underline tag </u>

Big and Small tags

We can make the text a bit small and big using big and small tags.
These tags are not much used to make text big and large but we can use them.

HR tag

The hr tag is used to make a horizontal line. This tag is mostly used to separate the paragraph and another area of an HTML document.

The Anchor Tag

The anchor tag is used to add links to existing content inside an HTML page. The format of the anchor tag is simple.
<a href="">ClickMe</a>

The Image Tag

The image tag is used to add an image to the HTML page. The image tag is an empty tag, no need to close the image tag.
<img src="img.jpg>

Pre Tag

HTML always ignores the extra space also new line if we want to print our text as is so for the same we can use pre-tag before the code.


In this article, we cover all the basic tags of HTML like body tag, head tag, HTML tag, anchor tag, heading tag, Bold tag, italic tag, underline tag, pre tag, HR tag, image tag, and another important concept of HTML.

In the next article, we will enhance our knowledge by covering the Table and Form concept in HTML. 


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