Whatsapp new Privacy Policy and Whatsapp Privacy Policy update 2021

 Whatsapp new Privacy Policy update 2021 is now launched officialy by whatsapp. All the user who does not accept  new Privacy Policy no longer to use their whatsapp account from inside of the app settings.

Whatsapp new Privacy Policy :

Whatsapp will updated their term and condition. which applicable from 6 feb and whatsapp give strictly warning to all the whatsapp user if they no not accept new Privacy Policy they no longer to use their whatsapp account in the app settings. In the screenshot which shared by WABetaInfo, it is written that users can either accept the new terms, or ‘delete’ their accounts.

whatsapp argentina is doing it :

 Argentina is also doing it, privacy policy will apply for all the country even argentina. who do not accept the new term and condition of whatsapp no longer to use their whatsapp account in app settings.

WABetaInfo, in its report, showed that key updates will include more information on how user data is processed and WhatsApp's service. The new Privacy Policy Updates will also include information on how WhatsApp business users can use Facebook-hosted services to store and manage chats.

Recently whatsapp has update new features like whatsapp pay, Always mute option of groups, a sticker search feature, more doode, walpaper for dark and normal mode, Disappearing message and others.

If you have any queries comments down below. I will glad to solve your problem.

                                 - Harshit Kumar


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