How to use hydra tool in termux and How to hack someone Gmail?

 In this blog, we will see how to use the hydra tool in termux and access someone's Gmail account by using the hydra tool. In this tutorial, you will learn about how to use the hydra tool and how to use the hydra command. 

How to use hydra tool in termux

Simple first of all you have to download termux from play store and copy all the command one by one and past into your termux app. In this way, you can Access anyone's Gmail account, website login page, or wifi router panel from our android device with the help of the hydra tool.

Follow all the steps which are mention below-

Install the termux app and update and upgrade it with specific latest packages.

$ apt-get update -y

$ apt-get upgrade -y

$ pkg install hydra

Now the hydra will be installed in your termux. So the next step is to use it in termux.

$ hydra

when you type this command then the hydra sheet showing in your termux. And follow some instructions you will able to hack.

Example:- hydra -l Admin -P password.txt

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