Google Trends | 10+ Techniques To use Google Trends | TECH WORTHY MIND

 Google Trends

 Google Trends is the feature of google, by the help  of this feature we can find which is Trends on Google or which is mostly search on Google. Google Trends can be used for comparison between keyword research and to discover trend keywords spikes in keyword search volume.

How google trend works

How To Use Google Trends To Find a Niche?

Google Trends is the platform of google, by using this search plateform we can easily research highly search niche on the Google by follow some simple steps : 

  1. Search Google Trends on Google.
  2. Open the Google Trend site which is published by Google officialy on its Google Search engine plateform.
  3. When you scroll the page you can easily discover who is trend in the world wide and as well as particular trends in particular country.
  4. You can also compare two keywords, which one is most searchable now days.

How To Use Google Trend To Find Trending Products?

We can also use Google Trends to find trending products in the World Wide by simply choose the catagory of that products.

How to Use Google trends for SEO

  1. Find Search Volume Trend
This is the keywords research feature we all are know very well.
Simple type the keywords into Google trends and check the realtime search related to that keyword...

... and see that keyword's trend over the last year.

This feature is very helpful because by the help of this feature we can easily find the popular searches on that keywords.

And also we can create good contents on that keywords and rank their YouTube channel and website easily.

How to find keywords for YouTube videos with the help of Google Trends

Simple search any keywords in Google trends and choose the catagory YouTube Search..

... and queries related to that keyword which arises on the YouTube will appear and pick the query and make tags of your YouTube videos.

Choose you Target country simple click on the world wide option.

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                                              - HARSHIT KUMAR


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